Iron Throne RP Wiki

The Mark of Martyn, a distinctive genetic feature of every member of House Hayford.

The Mark of Martyn is a mark carried through the blood of House Hayford, and in the last few decades alone, has come to be the defining identifier of all true Hayfords.

First seen in Martyn Hayford- the father of the current Lord of Hayford, Harrold- the mark is a distinctive slash through the color of the person's right eye, always found protruding from the center of their eye, down to wards the bottom left of it, (bottom right to whomever is looking at the eye). Though the Maesters have said that this mark can cause difficulty with vision, it has never affected any of the Hayfords thus far.

As of 368 AL, these are the list of people known to be affected by the mark:

Hayfords bearing the Mark of Martyn:

  • Martyn Hayford (deceased) - Father of the current Lord of Hayford, Harrold Hayford, and the apparent originator of the mark.
    • Cedrik Hayford (deceased) - Eldest son of Martyn and elder brother of Harrold.
    • Harrold Hayford - Second son of Martyn and current Lord of Hayford.
    • Harry Hayford - Third son of Martyn, twin of Hugh and younger half-brother of Harrold.
    • Hugh Hayford - Forth son of Martyn, twin of Harry and younger half-brother of Harrold.

Hayfords not bearing the Mark of Martyn:

  • None